2023 Retiree Tax Information
Your W2 and 1099R for 2022 will be mailed to your home address and should arrive by early February.
You can view your statement online by registering for ADP. Please use the registration passcode Coned-V2P and company code V2P. If you need help resetting your password or reactivating your account, please submit a service request in The Employee Hub.
1095C Updates
1095C have been mailed to retirees under the age of 65 and should arrive by early February.
If you’re over the age of 65 and have dependents on Medicare, you will not receive a 1095C form. Medicare participants may receive a form 1095B. For more information, please call the number on the back of your Medicare card.
WEX Direct Bill Updates
Please remember that premiums are due the first day of the month of coverage. Learn more about your monthly contribution rates.
Summary Annual Report
This Summary Annual Report is supplied to retirees as required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
The report highlights the financial information of The Consolidated Edison Group Life Insurance Plan, The Consolidated Edison Retiree Health Plan for Management Employees, and The Consolidated Edison Retiree Health Plan for Weekly Employees for plan year that ended December 31, 2022. It also describes how plan participants and beneficiaries may obtain detailed copies of the annual report information and where you may examine the reports.